
Comments about Scriblum Writer and Artist Rentals

Visitor comments and suggestions are welcomed. Please send them to Scriblum using the form on the contact page.


Enjoyed it and good online service.

Mark | March 8, 2012


I enjoyed my stay on the Amalfi Coast and in the Cilento at the very first, and have been returning here ever since whenever I can. There is no other place like southern Italy for a writer, giving you options for immersion in nature, history, archaeology and regional travel to places like Naples, Pompei and Rome, not to mention a good old lounge about on usually deserted beaches. I half want to keep quiet about it, so as to prevent the hordes from arriving (of which I am sadly one at times). But no fear. Most of southern Italy is so magnificently inefficient and spectacularly non-user friendly to mass tourism that I think it is quite safe from a full invasion of low-costers who indulge in towel snatching and unbridled photo-snapping. I am a low-coster myself, naturally, being a writer on modest means, so am in fact grateful to the Scriblum Writers' Retreats site for providing trusted and affordable accommodation for the likes of writers. We may not have the funds to stay here were it not for their site hosting apartments, rooms and even remote shacks for rent to writers and other creative people at lower-than tourist prices. I like it here enough to write something in praise of the good people of Scriblum. Hope you have a good and productive stay whatever your project. 

James Wilkinson | April 28, 2012

Ascea perfect for writing. Quiet, near beach, easy to get to. Scriblum are doing a fine job. No problems with booking and good help and advice. I will be here for the Parmenideum Conference in June, Thanks.

Janet | May 31, 2012
